The Appearance of Toguru

"What do you mean by this?"

The man was still puzzled, but An had already decided to verify her suspicions.

She said directly, "Consider this your reward for bringing me here. Things are likely to get messy here soon. If you don't want to die, not only should you not claim any association with Heigoro, but it's best to hide."

Keeping such a role might be useful in the future, so An hinted, "You must have noticed the samurais and ninjas. They are here for Heigoro. If Heigoro hasn't done anything wrong, would such a force come?"

She stopped there because she didn't have much time to waste here. Whether the man understood or not was up to him.

If he still got into trouble, An didn't need such a foolish person as a potential informant. So after speaking, she immediately disappeared.

She ran in the direction she had come from before, already releasing her Observation Haki. Her Observation Haki could cover a radius of ten kilometers. In some countries on the high seas, she could cover the entire nation with her Observation Haki.

But Wano was a large country, comparable to Alabasta. Naturally, An couldn't cover the entire country. However, as long as Heigoro hadn't left this area, she should be able to sense him.

However, there were too many people here. She was not familiar with Heigoro, and at most, she had only seen him in passing. It would be a difficult task to identify him and his wife quickly.

Observation Haki couldn't reveal someone's true identity; it could only differentiate by body shape and gender. That is to say, she had to find two people with the corresponding body shape, a man and a woman together.

However, at this moment, she discovered someone quite unexpected.

"Why is he here?"

An continued to run towards the outskirts of the city. Before identifying Heigoro and his wife, she wanted to meet someone else.

Or rather...

Another devil!

"Why are you here?"

Outside Flower Capital, An appeared directly in front of a man.

He wore black trousers on his lower body and a gray checkered shirt on his upper body. He also wore black sunglasses and had a crew cut. He was tall, much taller than An.

He seemed to be preparing to enter the Flower Capital, but An appeared directly in front of him.

The man naturally saw An, but he showed no emotional fluctuations, just saying calmly, "Where I appear should not be anyone's concern. It's strange for a Navy Admiral to appear in a place like this, isn't it?"

An glanced at the crowd around them and said quietly, "Trafalgar Law, I always thought you weren't on the same path as those demons."

Yes, the person who appeared in front of An was Trafalgar Law!

Although Trafalgar Law was also a devil, he was a half-devil. Moreover, judging from his previous actions, he just wanted to collect the Four Soul Jewels to gain eternal life. This was a common desire among most humans, so gradually, people didn't treat him like they treated demons.

After becoming a Navy Admiral, An naturally gained access to a lot of confidential information. She didn't know how Trafalgar Law appeared when she was still Roger, but now she could freely access his information in the Navy's intelligence room.

According to Navy intelligence, Trafalgar Law was originally just a human from the Sabaody Archipelago. Although he was very strong, he was aging.

Zero gave Trafalgar Law a way out, which was to become a devil. After becoming a devil, one could obtain eternal life. However, Zero could only turn people into half-devils. To become a complete devil, one needed the Four Soul Jewels. That was why Trafalgar Law was so obsessed with them.

In other words, Trafalgar Law was a new type of half-devil unrelated to the demons of thousands of years ago. So people's views on him naturally differed from those of Spandam, Gecko Moria, and others.

After all, Trafalgar Law's behavior was more like that of a pirate than a demon. Roger had dealt with Trafalgar Law several times before, but now he appeared in Wano, in a country where a demon lord might appear in the future.

This naturally aroused An's suspicion.

"I never need anyone to walk the same path as me, and I won't walk the same path as anyone else." Trafalgar Law said calmly.

They stood in place having a conversation, and it was quite cold. It looked strange to the people around them, but they both exuded a strong aura that kept others at bay.

Hearing Trafalgar Law's words, An frowned. "Are you here for the Four Soul Jewels?"

"I don't need to answer your question." Trafalgar Law said, hands in his pockets, walking past An nonchalantly.

An stood still and didn't make a move. It would be too conspicuous to act here. It would surely attract the attention of many people, and that would undoubtedly expose her presence.

She was here to investigate covertly!

Moreover, there wouldn't be much to gain by acting. Trafalgar Law wasn't someone like the man in the gambling den. He was extremely powerful, comparable to her.

Because they were not of the same type. An chose to focus on Observation Haki for her investigation, but Trafalgar Law was purely a monster of strength.

She had been in a state of full Observation Haki before. Naturally, she used Weakness Perception, but she found that Trafalgar Law's body had no weaknesses at all. This monster had trained his body to be like an iron wall, containing explosive power in every inch.

It was too much of a headache to deal with such an enemy. It was better to leave it to Roger later.

After all, she and Roger shared intelligence.

She turned her head and looked deeply at Trafalgar Law, who was walking towards the Flower Capital, then looked ahead again.

Trafalgar Law's appearance was just an episode. The most important thing was still to find Heigoro and his wife.

An had a vague feeling that whatever happened in Heigoro's house might be the origin of everything!

But it was a bit troublesome. She had spent too much time in Flower Capital, causing Heigoro and others to likely have left her range of Observation Haki.

After all, they seemed to be in a hurry, and Heigoro should have sensed that something was likely wrong with her, so their pace would naturally be fast.


No matter how fast they were, they couldn't be faster than An, not to mention that Heigoro was also carrying a bunch of things and his wife.

"Found them!"

After advancing a certain distance forward, An suddenly caught sight of two figures.