
Since we can't find the demon, since we can't find the person summoning the demon, then let's carry out an island-destroying operation, devastating every inch of land on the entire island, and if necessary, even completely destroy all of Wano.

Just like in the Valley of the Gods before.

Atreus' appearance made people realize the power of the Demon Lord. The last time, it was only through luck and cooperation from many sides that Atreus was finally repelled. This was largely because Atreus' weakness was too obvious —

he needed flesh and blood to sustain his existence.

When he had plenty of flesh and blood, he was naturally incredibly powerful. But as time passed, once there was no more flesh and blood to replenish, his physical functions would decline.

But the next Demon Lord wouldn't have this weakness. So how would they deal with it then?

Therefore, in order to prevent the Demon Lord from appearing, the World Government is willing to pay any price.

An didn't want to see that scene happen. According to her understanding of the other admirals, Aokiji and Kizaru should also not agree. The three admirals of the Navy still had some bottom lines.

However, Kū definitely wouldn't care about such matters, and neither would the World Government, not to mention Machima in the Black Religious Organization...

Anyway, it's better not to let things develop to that point, right?

So An must quickly investigate the truth of the matter. At this moment, she looked at Heigoro and knew that he was a breakthrough point.

Heigoro also looked at An. He certainly didn't believe An's words so quickly, but there was a strong aura emanating from An, which firmly suppressed him here.

He also thought for a long time, and the three of them stood here. Two of them were carrying many things.

"Okay, I'll tell you what happened."

After thinking for a long time, Heigoro decided to just say it. This wasn't considered highly confidential information. And if what An said was true, it would be better to resolve it as soon as possible.

It would be good to use this matter to test An. If her performance could convince him, they could continue to cooperate. If she was lying to him, then that would be the end of it.

"Let's keep walking."

An glanced at Heigoro's back and turned around. "Someone is chasing us from behind. Let's talk while we walk."

Heigoro subconsciously turned his head to look, but he didn't see anyone else.

He had a strong Haki, and he could even use the advanced Haki technique to bind with his armament Haki, known as Flowing Sakura in Wano, but he didn't have Observation Haki like An, so he couldn't sense things from a distance like she could.

He and his wife followed An, and then they talked about what had happened before.

Meanwhile, in the Flower Capital, while Heigoro and An were discussing the incidents involving Oden and Kenshin...

"What? Boss Heigoro ran away?!"

In the medical room, Kin'emon looked at his father, Kozuki Sukiyaki, with surprise.

"Yes, with his wife."

Kozuki Sukiyaki looked at the horrifying wound on Kin'emon's body with some anger. "I thought he was a hero, so I've been turning a blind eye to him for so many years. But he actually did such a thing!"

Kin'emon gritted his teeth, and the scene of Kenshin 'killing' him flashed in his mind again. A black light flashed in his eyes, and endless anger accumulated in his heart.

Damn it!

Boss Heigoro actually left the Flower Capital because of that Kenshin!

Kin'emon knew that Boss Heigoro left because he didn't want to betray Kenshin and the others. He considered himself to have a good relationship with Boss Heigoro. But after Kenshin almost killed him, he actually chose to stand with Kenshin?!

"Damn it!" Kin'emon was furious. "I must find that Kenshin and get revenge!"

"Lord Kin'emon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several people rushed in from outside the door. They looked at Kin'emon lying on the bed with worried expressions.

"Kimewarimon, Denjirou, Komurasaki, Otama, Kanjūrō, Raizō, why are you all here in the Flower Capital?"

Kin'emon's anger decreased slightly as he looked at his retainers, and the anger in his heart wasn't as intense as before.

"We all heard about Lord Kin'emon's injuries and rushed to the Flower Capital without stopping for a moment. Are you okay?"

Kin'emon sighed lightly. "It should be better after a while. By the way, where's Ashura Doji?"

"He's staying in Kuri to guard. After all of us left, no one could be left in Kuri." Kimewarimon quickly said, "Should I call him over?"

"No need." Kin'emon took a breath. "You did the right thing. Let him continue to stay in Kuri."

"Lord Kin'emon, who is the scoundrel who injured you?"

Suddenly, a black light flashed in Kin'emon's eyes again.

He clenched his fists.

"Whoever he is, I want him dead!"

Kimewarimon and the others were also impassioned, each of them declaring, "I will never let go of the scoundrel who dared to harm Lord Kin'emon!" "We will go and bring him back!"

Kin'emon said coldly, "I will personally bring him back and then kill him."

Kin'emon felt that his strength had been continuously improving since his trip to the gates of hell. Now he was much stronger than before when he fought against Kenshin.

Now, if he encountered Kenshin again, he was confident that he could defeat him!

But his target wasn't just Kenshin, because he remembered what Heigoro said.

In addition to Kenshin, there was also a master named Hitetsu, who might even be the strongest swordsman.

One Kenshin and one Hitetsu, both were Kin'emon's targets. Kin'emon must prove that he was stronger than them. He must be the invincible swordsman of the world!

That Kenshin almost killed him, so he must kill him back.

He felt his body recovering rapidly. The injuries Kenshin inflicted on him were obviously fatal, but now they were almost healed in such a short time.

It was this feeling...

Kin'emon looked at his subordinates who were swearing to him. He also declared, "Good! Now follow me and find out the whereabouts of that Kenshin!"

"Now?" Kozuki Sukiyaki, who was beside him, looked at Kin'emon with some concern and said, "You are so seriously injured. Isn't it too much to force yourself?"

"You can rest assured. I feel better now than at any other time, and stronger!"

Kin'emon made a smile that he had never had before, a smile that looked a bit evil, and Kimewarimon and the others were stunned for a moment.

He actually jumped off the bed directly, put on his clothes casually, and then walked out of the door in a carefree manner. Kozuki Sukiyaki didn't stop Kin'emon, because he had never successfully stopped Kin'emon from doing what he wanted to do.

"I hope..."

Kozuki Sukiyaki frowned.

"Nothing bad happens again."