Contact with Thor

"So, you left the Flower Capital because you didn't want to betray Kenshin and his master?"

At this moment, on the road, An, Heigoro, and his wife walked side by side. Along the way, she had already listened to Heigoro's account of what had happened before.

This was somewhat different from what she had expected...

She originally thought that Heigoro's urgent departure from the Flower Capital might have been due to being threatened by a demon. But now it seems...

Wasn't it just a matter of a prince almost being killed, and then wanting to go back for revenge?


Wasn't really that surprising.

She felt a bit disappointed. She had thought that she might get some clues as soon as she arrived in Wano.

"You can understand it that way." Heigoro sighed. "Ah, I told Myouda not to go after Kenshin, but I didn't expect something like this to happen anyway. I never imagined Kenshin would strike so hard."

An's mind stirred. She asked curiously, "In your understanding of Kenshin, isn't he such a person?"

"No, actually, strictly speaking, I don't know him." Heigoro looked up slightly, as if recalling past events.

"When I met Hitetsu, he had just taken Kenshin as his disciple. At that time, Kenshin was still young, and Hitetsu took him to many places, letting him train in swordsmanship at various dojos. Because many people regarded me as Boss Heigoro, some people told me about this."

"One time when Hitetsu was heading to the dojo as usual, I saw him. I know Hitetsu quite well. He's a rather negative person. I don't know what he went through, but his character really has major flaws. He's very negative, believing that swordsmen will only be used by others."

"Later, I spent some time with them as master and disciple, but at that time, Kenshin was still too young. I couldn't compare his character then with what it is now. As for later, after Hitetsu left with Kenshin, I rarely saw them..."

"Kenshin followed Hitetsu to learn. It's very likely that he learned Hitetsu's negative attitude, but I didn't expect him to be so ruthless towards Myouda."

Listening to Heigoro's words, An could hear the heaviness in his speech.

He must be in a difficult position. Myouda is his junior and friend; Hitetsu is his friend, and Kenshin is his junior. He's caught between them and doesn't know what to do.

So he could only leave the Flower Capital and let things unfold naturally.

But An was very interested in Hitetsu Kurojuro and Kenshin Himura. She wondered since Hitetsu knew that swordsmen would only be used by others, he should have been more cautious in his actions.

And Kenshin had studied under him for so many years. He shouldn't have resorted to killing so easily.

So what happened in between?

An glanced at Heigoro. She knew that Heigoro probably didn't know Kenshin's whereabouts either, otherwise he could just go and see for himself.

After thinking for a moment, she said, "I have some doubts in my heart, but let's see how things develop later."

Her attitude was similar to Heigoro's in this regard. With so few visible clues, she said to Heigoro, "Where are you planning to settle down? Can I trouble you?"

"You want to stay with us?" Heigoro looked at An in surprise.

"Is that not possible?" An knew this was a bit presumptuous, but her personality was actually a bit like Roger's, so she didn't feel embarrassed to say it. After all, they were the same person in the past, so there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

Of course not!

Heigoro really wanted to say that, but he knew An was very strong, and if they could avoid conflict, it would be best. And he also wanted to see what An really wanted to do.

As an outsider coming to Wano and saying 'scary' things, he was also very concerned. If An was a malicious person, he could prepare in time.

"Mainly... you, a woman, staying with us, isn't it inappropriate?"

"Oh, that." An said casually, "Why are your customs so troublesome? It's not like we're sharing a bed or anything."

"Okay, if you don't mind, then I won't say much more. Before, I left behind a base here in Kibi. Let's go there and see what happens next."

For Heigoro, the best outcome would be nothing happening at all.

He just hoped that Myouda was acting in the heat of the moment, and when the anger in his heart was calmed, there would be no more trouble.

He also hoped that Kenshin and the others wouldn't show up again for the time being, letting peace suppress the anger.

As for An, the best outcome for her was chaos, because only in chaos would the hidden demons emerge.

In her mind, both Myouda and Kenshin were suspicious figures, especially since she didn't have any more clues now.

By nightfall, they had arrived at their destination.

Kibi was indeed a relatively deserted area, with few people on this piece of land separated by a river.

But after all, it was a large area of Wano, so this 'few' was only in comparison to the Flower Capital.

Heigoro had left a retreat here a long time ago when he was still a big brother in the underworld.

The base he mentioned was not in the city, but in a remote little mountain. An was quite satisfied with this place.

At least it wasn't so conspicuous. As an outsider, she wouldn't attract so much attention coming in and out.

"But since you're going to stay in Wano for a while, I suggest you accept Wano's customs."

In this base, which covered more than 300 square meters, there were four houses. Heigoro led An into one of the rooms and glanced at her attire before saying,

An thought about it and nodded. Heigoro's words made sense. She should indeed adapt to the local culture, especially since she was here to infiltrate.

"There are two kimonos inside, they belong to my wife. I don't know if they'll fit you, but just wear them for now."

Heigoro handed An a package. An took it and said sincerely, "Thank you very much. I will definitely find the demon hidden in Wano."

"I hope you never find it." Heigoro sighed and then left.

An knew Heigoro wasn't cursing her for being futile. He was saying he hoped there were no demons in Wano. If there weren't any, she naturally wouldn't find any.

An also hoped there weren't any, but she knew this hope was nonexistent.

Because after Heigoro left, she had already started contacting Raijin through a Den Den Mushi, and Raijin had already arrived in Wano.

"I found the Swallower, but he found me too. I lost track of him."

Raijin's words made An's heart sink.

If the Swallower was here, then is it a fake?

Swallower, Hyougoro...

These two people, they are both very strong demons!