The Chaos of Wano Country

Tombstone, she had never crossed paths with.

But as an Admiral of the Navy, she witnessed the entire Jalsburg incident, so she also knew that Tombastone was a major demon, and about the events of the war between Wano, Sengoku, and Kapu.

On the other hand, Toguru, 'her', had dealt with many times, and Toguru's strength had also gained her approval.

Currently, among the demons that have appeared, the strongest overall strength undoubtedly belongs to the Demon Lords, followed by the Major Demons, and then the common demons.

Currently, among the Demon Lords, there's Atokusu, and possibly the demon that may appear in Wano. According to the information she obtained in the Jalsburg Secret Scrolls, this demon is very likely to be the owner of Tombastone, a demon lord called Ximie Tianlai.

As for the Major Demons, there are currently Tombastone, Shoukai, Kraken, and Toguru. Toguru and Kraken are both half-demons, but their strength is indeed at this level.

There are plenty of common demons, like the Demon Little Dragon, most of which were dealt with by the Black Order.

And now, two Major Demons have already appeared in Wano. She really doesn't believe that there won't be any Demon Lords appearing here.

Since it has been confirmed that there are anomalies in Wano, all they can do is to do their best to prevent that scene from happening.

Moreover, dealing with demons might also give her more clues about Marichema.

After all, most of the clues she currently has about Marichema were obtained from dealing with Atokusu last time. Atokusu mentioned a control when he was injured, and Aokiji directly made her split from Roger and also asked her to investigate the control.


What will she get this time?

She also mentioned what happened here, including meeting Toguru, and some information she got from Heigoro.

They discussed it again and decided to wait for a while longer.

And this wait...

lasted for more than two months.

During these two months, An had already adapted to the culture and customs of Wano. She now returned to this base in a kimono with a calm and elegant demeanor. Although her blue hair was still very conspicuous, it was much better than before.

Only after returning to the base did she relax. She ran her hand through her hair, and her blue locks fluttered in the wind.

Heigoro happened to open the door at this time. Seeing An, he wasn't surprised. He just said, "So, did you gain anything this time?"

His face carried a melancholic expression, and An knew why.

During these two months, drastic changes had occurred in Wano. Tsukuyomi Myouda seemed to have truly harbored resentment towards Kenshin Himura. The Shogunate ordered a nationwide hunt for Kenshin Himura, and the entire Wano was stirred.

The daimyos of various regions dispatched their own troops. Every time An entered, she could see soldiers searching the streets. For a while, the people were in a panic.

Even soldiers frequently went outside the city for searches, not even sparing the desolate mountains and wild ridges. They had visited here too. If it weren't for An's exceptional Kenbunshoku Haki and Heigoro's well-hidden base, they probably would have been discovered.

Even relatively desolate areas like Hibi Township had become like this, let alone other regions.

An had almost traveled all over Wano during this time and found chaos everywhere, especially in the Flower Capital, where numerous swordsmen were shuttling back and forth, seemingly wanting to search every corner.

But after more than two months of searching, they obviously had no findings. So the intensity of the search was increasing, and their base might be discovered at any time.

An wasn't afraid, but it would be troublesome.

"Even those people from Kyuuri have been released. What does Myouda want to do?!" Heigoro was truly angry. He punched a tree in the courtyard, causing a large number of leaves to fall.

Kyuuri, the territory of Tsukuyomi Myouda, who, besides being the heir to the Shogunate of Wano, was also the daimyo of Kyuuri.

Originally, Kyuuri was a chaotic area, a paradise for villains.

After Tsukuyomi Myouda arrived there, he defeated the head of the villains, Asura Douji, and became the head of Kyuuri. Later, he was also ennobled as the daimyo of Kyuuri by Tsukuyomi Koshiki. And now, in order to find Kenshin Himura, Tsukuyomi Myouda even released those villains from Kyuuri. Although it had been developed for several years, it was only a few years. They were villains for ten or twenty years!

Those who had not been thoroughly improved were released, and they also transformed into official samurai.

With great power, they used the excuse of searching to do what they used to do, and for a while, the entire Wano was in chaos.

It was normal for Heigoro, as a member of Wano, to react like this.

He should regret it very much now. If that day he hadn't let Tsukuyomi Myouda see Kenshin Himura, nothing would have happened. However, there is no regret medicine in this world.

"This time, I did find out something."

An said in a deep voice.

"What?!" Heigoro looked at An instantly, somewhat excitedly said, "Is Kenshin exposed?"

An shook her head. "No, I found out that those samurai aren't just looking for people."

"Not just people?" Heigoro was stunned for a moment, then frowned. He was puzzled, "What else are they looking for?"

She looked at Heigoro and said seriously, "They... are still looking for corpses!"


Heigoro's brows furrowed even tighter. How could they be looking for corpses again?

"How did you find out?"

"There is a cemetery not far from here, and I saw those samurai digging up all the graves." An thought of this scene, feeling a bit eerie. What was happening in Wano?

"How could they do such a thing?! Aren't they afraid of the punishment of the gods and ghosts?!" Heigoro was angry. "They are desecrating the dead!"

An had recently learned some customs of Wano, so she could understand Heigoro's words. At the same time, she was also very curious about what the Tsukuyomi family was doing.

"I think we can't go on like this."

An looked at Heigoro. He was much taller than her, so she looked up at his face with some seriousness. "The covert investigation has ended, and now it's your turn to."

Heigoro knew what An meant. He was highly respected in the underworld of Wano, with extensive connections. An was asking him to utilize his channels to investigate the recent events.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Alright!"

He didn't want to wait any longer either. The actions of the Tsukuyomi family had already angered him. He might be part of the underworld, but he was also a man of honor!

An felt somewhat relieved in her heart. Heigoro had broad connections, so he should be able to find out something.

But what concerned her was...

Her contact with Roger had disappeared!