Saving people

The disappearance of contact with Roger wasn't a recent event; it happened shortly after Roger and his crew arrived in Wano.

It was very strange. When they weren't in Wano, there were no issues, but as soon as they were both in Wano, they couldn't feel each other anymore.

Because of this, An felt increasingly suspicious about Wano.

Each Demon Lord was extremely troublesome, and they also had mysterious abilities. Could it be that the severance of her connection with Roger was also the work of a Demon Lord?

Only they could possibly achieve such a thing.

Thinking of this, she followed Heigoro outside.

This time they were heading to the home of one of Heigoro's former subordinates. Although he was still part of the underworld, the underworld was now mobilizing under the orders of the Shogunate and the daimyos.

So they speculated that the underworld might also know something from the Shogunate or the daimyos, or at least they would know what they were looking for.

So they sneaked into Hibi City. An could come and go as she pleased, but Heigoro couldn't because he was now wanted.

However, this kind of wanted status couldn't stop them. Heigoro was still powerful in Wano, and after so many years in the underworld, he was familiar with these things, so they easily entered the city.

The atmosphere inside the city was tense, and the flow of people couldn't compare to the Flower Capital. There were only a few people, all of whom looked hurried, as if there was some great danger in the city.

After An and Heigoro sneaked in, they cautiously proceeded in one direction and soon arrived in front of a mansion. From the outside, it looked like a wealthy household. Heigoro was about to knock on the door carefully when An suddenly grabbed his shoulder.

Heigoro turned to look at An, only to see her shaking her head solemnly.

He furrowed his brows, but in the next moment, he understood An's meaning. He saw her walk to another corner and then gently jump up.

Something was wrong?

Heigoro followed An's lead and sneaked in from that position. Although he was much larger than An and not as strong, there was no problem jumping over a wall.

"What happened?"

They were behind a tree in the courtyard, a large tree big enough to conceal their figures.

Leaning against the tree, An smiled faintly after hearing Heigoro's question. "It seems they are deliberately targeting you. There are many people in the yard."

She had been using Kenbunshoku Haki constantly on her way here. If Heigoro had come alone, there would definitely have been trouble, but with her, it was different.

"What should we do? Force our way in?" Heigoro frowned.

"No need for that."

An's lips curled up. She straightened her body and then walked out slowly.


Heigoro was shocked. He was about to say something but suddenly felt a tremendous pressure. He vaguely saw something seem to release from An's body, and in an instant, the world became incredibly silent.

"Let's go."

An walked straight ahead and said slowly, "Go see your friend."

Heigoro stared blankly at An. From here, he could see many people suddenly falling from trees, roofs, or behind stones.


What did she just do?

Just in an instant, so many people fell?

Heigoro felt himself trembling a bit. Sweat dripped from his body passively. Even though An hadn't actively released that power towards him, he still felt the immense pressure. It was truly...


He quickly caught up with An. Unable to help himself, he asked, "What did you just do?"

An smiled calmly. "Kenbunshoku Haki. Don't tell others."

After joining the Navy, she hadn't mentioned her Kenbunshoku Haki. After all, in the Navy, having Kenbunshoku Haki might make others think you're unstable. An actually had a dream of becoming an admiral.

But her Kenbunshoku Haki was not weak, it was even quite strong. After all, it was directly split from Roger. How could it be weak?

Originally, Roger's Kenbunshoku Haki was already among the strongest on the sea, and after several enhancements, especially with the Portable Poneglyph, Roger's Kenbunshoku Haki had reached the limit strength of this world.

Although there was no longer a Portable Poneglyph, that feeling had been deeply imprinted in Roger's soul, which further improved his Kenbunshoku Haki. An was also a part of Roger, so she naturally had powerful Kenbunshoku Haki.

These people were actually quite strong, but they were only strong relative to the people of this country. Such people were everywhere on the sea, so when swept by An's Kenbunshoku Haki, they all fainted.

They swaggered into the house, and only saw two men fainting inside. These two men faced each other, one of them was tied up and covered in wounds.

"Maitabe!" Heigoro hurried over. An also knew who this man was. She had investigated during this time. He was the leader of Hibi's underworld, known as "Snake Eyes" Maitabe, and he also admired Heigoro very much.

"Don't worry, he just fainted." An said softly. "Let's take him away first."

"What about the others?" Heigoro looked at the other fainting man, obviously, the wounds on Maitabe's body were caused by him.

"It's up to you." An said indifferently.

Anyway, they were just some small fries, and she didn't care much.

Heigoro had now implicitly recognized An as the leader, because he found An to be perfect. She was powerful, mysterious, and perfect in every way. After two months of contact, he increasingly felt that he couldn't afford to offend An.

So he asked An how to deal with it. After hearing her answer, he immediately drew the sword from his waist and stabbed the man's heart with one blow.

At this moment, An had already reopened the door of the room. While leaving, she asked again, "Does Maitabe have a wife? If so, take her with us."

Otherwise, it would become a weakness.

"No." Heigoro shook his head. "He's still young. Don't worry."

An nodded, and then they quickly left.

At this moment, Heigoro's dissatisfaction with the Tsukuyomi family had reached a very high level.

Being wanted was one thing, but to do this to his friends was unforgivable!

He clenched his fist tightly, and his eyes released angry flames.

In the end, it was because of Tsukuyomi Mita's own insistence on provoking Kenshin, and after being severely injured by Kenshin, he turned into this appearance. It really hurt him, but he had no more pain now, only resentment!