Himura Kenshin reappears

Under Mitsurugi Mitsurugi's new decree, the entire country of Wano is in chaos.

Because many people are taking advantage of this decree to settle personal vendettas. If they see you have any connection with the Kurozumi clan, they can kill you. If they think you look like an outsider, they can kill you. Even if it's later found out that they were innocent, what does it matter? I saw them at the time!

With this mentality prevailing, Wano has suddenly become extremely chaotic. People are shamelessly committing atrocities they never dared to think of before. After all, once it's done, they can blame it on the "Kurozumi" and "outsiders."

In such an environment, two months have passed.

During this time, An has already recovered. She and Raiden had considered going back to Flower Capital to take another look, but Flower Capital is under strict martial law, and they can feel that Mitsurugi Mitsurugi in Flower Capital is becoming increasingly terrifying.

Demons thrive on evil and darkness, and now Wano is exactly such a world. Mass killings are taking place across the country, people are indulging in their desires, and such desires breed demons, making them even more powerful.

An even went to look for Roger, but unfortunately, she still hasn't found any clues about Roger until now, which is unreasonable.

The last contact she had with Roger was in Wano, so he must have come to Wano. But if it's him, it's impossible for him to remain indifferent when he sees this situation, at least he wouldn't let her investigate thoroughly and find no clues.

The reason why An said she could delay it before was not only because she needed to investigate deeper demons, but also because Roger was there. Roger was very strong and enough to suppress Mitsurugi Mitsurugi.

But now Mitsurugi Mitsurugi is becoming more and more terrifying. Maybe he will grow to the strength of Roger, or even...


"We can't delay it any longer."

After returning, An met Raiden and said directly, "We can't continue to investigate secretly like this. We need to take the initiative."

Raiden looked up and, after thinking for a moment, said in a deep voice, "How do you plan to take the initiative?"

"It's not necessary to mobilize a large army yet. Why not let Wano take action first?" An suggested. "Isn't the Kurozumi clan wanting to become the general of Wano? Then let them openly rebel."

"After all, this is what they want to do."

During this time, the Kurozumi clan did express their intentions, but at that time, An and Raiden needed to reconsider. They felt that it hadn't reached that point yet.

But now, in a short time, the situation in Wano has changed dramatically.

"Just relying on our strength... I'm afraid it's not enough," Raiden shook his head.

"Mitsurugi Mitsurugi, Toguro, those eight samurai, plus the other daimyos of various regions, to resist such a group, we need stronger power. Should we call for reinforcements from the headquarters?"

"It's not necessary at the moment," An said.

"We're not directly defeating the Mitsurugi family, but we need to find all the unstable factors in this war. I think Mitsurugi Mitsurugi may just be a pawn pushed out, and the real demon is hidden behind the scenes."

"You have a point," Raiden said after thinking for a moment. "This approach can indeed work, especially Himura Kenshin. If we can find him, many things may be answered."

Himura Kenshin...

This person is indeed a key figure.

He is not only strong, but also the initial cause of all events.

But finding Himura Kenshin is not that easy, is it?

During this period of time, Mitsurugi Mitsurugi has never stopped searching for Himura Kenshin because of the Kurozumi clan and outsiders, but even so, they have gained nothing.


Is too unbelievable.

Mitsurugi Mitsurugi's search efforts are huge. They have even moved their base several times, and all of this is thanks to An's powerful Kenbunshoku Haki. Otherwise, they would have been discovered for sure.

Even the safe house prepared by the Kurozumi clan is like this, but there is still no clue about Himura Kenshin.

What's going on?

Could it be that Himura Kenshin and the others are not in Wano at all?

Mitsurugi Mitsurugi has mobilized the entire Wano and still can't find any trace of Himura Kenshin, let alone them.

"Let's first figure out how to get the Kurozumi clan to act first," An frowned and said.

To start a war, people are definitely needed, but the Kurozumi clan has a bad reputation, and it's unknown whether people will follow them.

It would have been impossible before, but now it's really uncertain.

After all, Mitsurugi Mitsurugi has brought chaos to Wano in just a few months, and people are suffering. Maybe they will really obey the call of the Kurozumi clan.

And just as she was thinking this, Kurozumi Suzume suddenly rushed in.

"Big news, big news!"

At this time, Kurozumi Suzume didn't look like her old granny appearance, but a strange male form.

She is a Mimic human who ate the Mimic-Mimic Fruit, which allows her to take on the appearance of anyone. It's because of this ability that she can get a lot of information and can also go out freely.

And now, she ran over quickly and, seeing An and Raiden sitting on the mat, hurriedly said,

"Himura Kenshin..."

"Has appeared!"

An's pupils shrank. She was just thinking that there had been no clues about Himura Kenshin for so long, and now he appeared?

"What's going on? Where did he appear?" An asked quickly.

"He appeared in Kurikiri," Kurozumi Suzume said breathlessly, "When I heard this news, I heard that the Mitsurugi family had already mobilized."


An and Raiden stood up instantly, and they immediately rushed out.

Himura Kenshin is an important clue, and they can't let this news go unanswered.

Although he is very strong and was able to severely wound Mitsurugi Mitsurugi before, but now Mitsurugi Mitsurugi has undergone a complete transformation, and he has brought many people with him. Himura Kenshin is definitely in great danger.

They must not let this happen!

Guided by Raiden, who is much faster than An, the two of them almost rushed towards Kurikiri at the fastest speed.

"What should we do if you all leave?!"

Kurozumi Suzume was dumbfounded. She called out hastily, but Raiden and An were already gone, leaving only her in a state of confusion, looking at the direction they left.

They are currently in Shiramai, and to get to Kurikiri, they need to pass through Usagiwan. Flower Capital can quickly reach Kurikiri, and moreover, Mitsurugi Mitsurugi was the first to mobilize.


They must rush over at the fastest speed!

Get ahead of the Mitsurugi family!