
Wano Country, Kurikiri

This place was originally the most chaotic place in Wano Country. A few years ago, even the orders of the Wano generals were ignored here. Even if someone committed a crime in Wano, as long as they escaped to Kurikiri, the authorities would have no way to catch them.

But later, after Mitsurugi came there and subdued the "demon" Asura Douji of Kurikiri, he became the lord there, and then Kurikiri ushered in a brief period of peace.

A very brief period of peace.

After Mitsurugi was infested by residual effects of Kaido, the whole Wano Country fell into a state of corruption at a speed ten times a hundred times faster than before. Now Kurikiri has basically become a paradise of sin.

Because previously, at least Asura Douji, as the boss, restrained this group of criminals. But now they have directly gained official status and can shamelessly do everything they didn't dare to do before.

Many thieves, robbers, and murderers, they originally fled to Kurikiri after committing crimes. However, at this moment, they have transformed into official warriors. They not only export their sins and desires to the entire Wano Country but also turn Kurikiri, where they originally belonged, into a paradise for demons.

Himura Kenshin walked on such streets, surrounded by those former criminals, now warriors.

They stared at Kenshin, but Kenshin seemed not to notice them. He walked to a hotel and said softly, "Boss, are you there?"

As he moved, the surrounding warriors kept changing positions, as if they were looking for the best position to attack or were afraid of this man, waiting for others to act first.

And Kenshin, in this situation, said to the innkeeper, "Please fill this gourd with good wine for me."

However, the innkeeper, upon seeing Kenshin, just stepped back in astonishment and even screamed, which made Kenshin frown.

And outside, people finally seized the opportunity. Seeing Kenshin frowning, several rushed up, and the rest, seeing someone going first, also rushed with their knives.

"It seems that I haven't offended you."

Kenshin looked around with sharp eyes. With light movements, he easily dodged all attacks. He pointed his scabbard at a man and said coldly, "Since I came here, you've been following me. Can you explain why?"


The man pointed at by his scabbard said defiantly, "You've hurt Mitsurugi-sama, the general of the current Wano, and you ask us why we're following you? Shameless!"

"General?" Kenshin frowned. At this moment, the man was about to swing his knife again, and Kenshin pushed forward with his arm, and the scabbard hit the man directly!

Although it was just a scabbard, it seemed sharper than any treasure sword. The scabbard directly pierced the man's chest!

Blood sprayed backward, and the others who were about to rush over were stunned.

Kenshin looked at the stunned people, then looked at the innkeeper again, his eyes seemed to contain endless killing intent, and his voice became cold.

"Can you fill this gourd with wine for me? My master and the guest want to drink."


The innkeeper was trembling all over, grabbed the wine gourd, quickly filled it with wine, as if eager for Kenshin to leave quickly, and after filling it, he threw it to Kenshin with force. Kenshin caught it with his hand, but this action gave the surrounding warriors a chance.

This time, they all attacked at once, but Kenshin didn't give them another chance.

After taking the gourd, Kenshin turned and left, as if no one knew how he came, and no one knew how he left, let alone where he was going.

Because no one dared to chase after him again, even Mitsurugi Mitsurugi's tracking of Kenshin ended in such a fate, where could they go?

Moreover, there are many bodies dying tragically in Kenshin's hands!

In this situation, who dares to pursue Kenshin?

Even, no one dares to collect the bodies for these people, letting them bleed out and be exposed to the scorching sun.

And so, until Mitsurugi and others arrived!