Black Shadow Corps

Kougetsu Mitsuda rushed to the Flower Capital after receiving news of Himura Kenshin's appearance in Kurikiri.

Undoubtedly, his obsession with Kenshin was the deepest.

Because it was his hatred for Kenshin in his heart that allowed him to cross the boundary of life and death and return to this world!

He was resurrected by someone unknown, but his purpose for resurrection was to kill Himura Kenshin.

Other matters, he could put aside.

But killing Himura Kenshin was something he couldn't allow any delay in!

His base was in the Flower Capital, not far from Kurikiri. Moreover, he was very familiar with the route, so he arrived in Kurikiri in the shortest time possible, arriving on this street that had been dyed crimson.

Even before arriving, he smelled the strong scent of blood, and soon he witnessed the horrific scene.

Dozens of people lay on the street, and it was apparent that they were all moving swiftly in one direction in their last moments of life, but disaster struck in that instant.

A sword was drawn in an instant, its light sweeping across each person's neck, leaving behind a small yet completely fatal wound. They fell to the ground, then watched helplessly as their bodies bled out, dying in agony.

Next were many people leaning against buildings' shadows and behind trees... or rather, their decapitated bodies. They seemed to be waiting for an opportunity, preparing to attack or report, but their actions were all frozen in that moment.

Because at the moment they were preparing to act, their heads fell from their necks. The slash was so quick that even they didn't realize it, quickly granting them merciful deaths.

Behind Kougetsu Mitsuda were eight people, including members of the Kin'ei Gate. After seeing this scene, they all felt uncomfortable.

"What... what happened here?!" Kin'ei Gate exclaimed in surprise.

"For Himura Kenshin, doing such things is only natural," Kougetsu Mitsuda sneered. "Are you... afraid?"

"How could we?!" The eight immediately kneeled on one knee, sincerely saying, "We have sworn to fight for our lord unto death!"

"That's good. I don't want another incident like Kanjuro to happen."

Kanjuro immediately knelt down, knocking his head while tearfully saying, "I have spared my life to repay the kindness of Mitsuda-sama!"

Yes, after Raijin rescued An, Kougetsu Mitsuda did not directly kill Kanjuro, but instead exacerbated his corruption.

He was currently using people, and those who already had some loyalty to him were easy to control. Moreover, after controlling Kanjuro, he could also obtain more information about the Kurozumi Clan.

Unfortunately, when he followed the intelligence to track down the Kurozumi Clan, they had already fled.

But this also made Kougetsu Mitsuda realize one thing.

That ugly, worthless serpent turned out to be a member of the Kurozumi Clan!

This made Mitsuda extremely angry, even wanting to go directly to meet the Shimotsuki family!

After all, the serpent was sheltered by the Shimotsuki family. Although he didn't know the true identity of the serpent, it still made him uncomfortable.

But the Shimotsuki family had just been assimilated by him not long ago. Although he had controlled them, this control still needed time to deepen. So he temporarily endured it.

He spared Kanjuro's life just to let Kanjuro wipe out the other members of the Kurozumi Clan. When he finished, it would be time for him to die.

Although they were his retainers, the trash of the Kurozumi Clan deserved to die!

Kougetsu Mitsuda glanced coldly at Kanjuro and then walked into the crimson street.

Soon someone came to inform him of what had happened here. He immediately grabbed the collar of the person and said angrily, "So you just watched him leave here?!"

"N-no, General-sama! That Himura Kenshin is too powerful, we... we couldn't catch up with him at all!" The person had originally wanted to boast, but seeing Kougetsu Mitsuda so angry, he trembled. However, Kougetsu Mitsuda didn't want to hear such words at all.

He directly shook the person with force, throwing him onto a large tree. The tree couldn't withstand this strange force and collapsed, hitting the person hard. Blood flowed out from under the tree, and it seemed that the person couldn't survive.

Kougetsu Mitsuda angrily said, "Go and search! He must not have gone far!"

The first to move were his eight retainers behind him. They disappeared from this place in an instant, and then others began to move. They ran outside in a panic, and soon only Kougetsu Mitsuda was left.

Kougetsu Mitsuda smirked coldly. During this time, his dark power had broken through another stage.

He felt that he could absorb the power of evil, and now, especially in Wano, especially in this Kurikiri, where evil aura floated everywhere, this aura had a great stimulating effect on his dark power within.

He spread his arms greedily, sucking in the air of Kurikiri. In the next moment, shadows behind him began to fluctuate.


Those dead people, those killed by Himura Kenshin, originally lay dry on the ground, but their shadows, extending under the sunlight, at this moment...

Began to wriggle?!

Wriggling, distorting, and finally, under Kougetsu Mitsuda's dark power, those shadows actually separated from their former bodies, and then...

Slowly stood up?!

"Hahaha, you are my most loyal subordinates. Go, find Himura Kenshin!" Kougetsu Mitsuda laughed heartily. This was his newly acquired ability, shadow manipulation!

Then suddenly he made them stop...

These shadows were his subordinates in secret. It would be good to have a name for them.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration struck his mind, and he immediately said, "Yes, they shall be called..."

"The Black Shadow Corps!"

Mitsuda said satisfactorily, "I am the general of the Black Shadow Corps, and then, I will turn all the shadows of the deceased into my subordinates."

When the time comes, those under his command would serve him when they were alive, and after they died, their shadows would become his slaves. Let's start with those eight people.

If they died, he would use their shadows to create eight powerful warriors. He was the commander of the Black Shadow Corps, and they...

Would be like generals in charge of a region?

Kougetsu Mitsuda shouted, "Set off, my Black Shadow Corps, carry out your first mission!"

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

The silent standing shadows disappeared in an instant, leaving only Kougetsu Mitsuda to vent his dark power freely.

I haven't been feeling well recently, so the updates have been irregular.