Marguerite wakes me a few hours later to let me know that luncheon is being served and the Duke is waiting for me. That surprises me enough to wake me up in an instant as I get up so that Marguerite can help me change and fix my hair as both are a mess since I slept in them. After the improvement that the Duke and I have managed to make in our relationship this morning I'm not going to appear before him looking anything but well put together.
"Thank you for waiting," I greet as I walk into the dining room where the Duke is already seated but he's yet to start eating. Already there is an improvement as he doesn't glare at me although he doesn't smile while he waits for me to take my seat.
"I think that we should start taking all of our meals together, when possible. I may sometimes have business in London," he says watching me for my reaction. Footmen serve our lunch and as another surprise the meals are the same. With my new diet I wouldn't have thought the Duke would have the same meal as me but it's a pleasant surprise that he is.
"That sounds wonderful your Grace," I reply unable to stop the smile on my face. As horrible as telling the truth was it seems to have really helped the Duke to at least want to attempt to spend time together now.
"If we're to spend so much time together then I believe you should call me William," His offer stuns me more than anything else that's happened today.
"Then you should call me Eleanor, William." I offer in return and trying out how it feels to call my husband by his actual name rather than his title.
The rest of our meal passes in a pleasant silence with only a few words exchanged about the quality of the food. It's the first time that I've had a meal of this quality and that's probably only because it's the same as what the Duke is eating. Although with William here now the food they give me will have to be of better quality than before simply due to his presence and the baby. Even with all the hatred the servants may have for me they won't jeopardise their beloved master's heir.
"I was wondering your Gra- William, if you'll be working in your study?" I ask as the plates are cleared away. It's been a pleasant meal and I hope the other meals we share will continue in the same manner as this.
"I do have some paperwork to attend to though it shouldn't take long to finish. Why is there something that you require my help with?"
"No I was just thinking of spending some time at the pianoforte. But if will disturb you're work-"
"Nonsense," He interrupts me with a look of surprise, "Play if you'd like it won't disturb me. I didn't know that you could play." Together we walk out of the dining room both heading the same direction as the library and William's study are both located nearby. That's why I'd been concerned about disturbing his work.
"Yes. There was no pianoforte at Edmour so I learnt what I could from books. During your time in London I spent many hours practicing on the piano here so I hope that my playing doesn't offend you."
"Well I'll leave you to your practice." He bids me as we reach the library. I watch him leave marvelling at the sheer difference in him compared to the rest of the time we've been married. At least now I have more hope for a civil relationship at the very least perhaps even a friendship.
Entering the library I take a seat at the pianoforte flexing my fingers slightly before settling in to play, starting a pleasant but calm tune. Just because William doesn't mind me playing doesn't mean that I should go out of my way to be too distracting. I don't want to offend him with terrible playing either so sticking to something calmer reduces my chances of playing the wrong note.
One tune melts into another and I soon lose track of how long I've been playing for. It must not be a disturbance or offensive to the Duke's ear as he works or I'm sure he would have sent word for me to stop by now. So I'm surprised when a footman suddenly enters the library making me stop abruptly and turn towards the door. Perhaps I have offended William and now he's sent someone to put an end to my playing.
"Forgive me for disturbing you, your Grace, but his Grace sent me to inquire if you know would be willing to play some Beethoven?" He inquires after bowing towards me in greeting. It's the most respectful bow that I've received from a servant while not in the Duke's presence.
"Please inform his Grace that I shall try my best," I reply politely with a happy smile as I rise to find what sheet music is available of Beethoven's work. The idea that William would actually have a request for what I play, let alone that he thinks I play well enough to even attempt one of Beethoven's works.
"Very well your Grace," He replies before departing to relay my words to William. I return to the pianoforte with the music for Piano Sonata No.14 in hand, I've only attempted to play it a few times but it's a favourite of mine. I would love to see it performed by a professional yet for now I have to settle for my own attempt at the beautiful piece.
Not being as well practiced at this piece as with others I do make a few mistakes but I'm enjoying the challenge, nevertheless. I only hope that the errors are as forgivable to the Duke as they are to me. He can't expect perfection after all but I'm sure that the lady he imagined he'd one day marry would be far more accomplished at the pianoforte than I.
I jump slightly in my seat as a quiet applause breaks out when I finish the piece. Twisting in my seat I find the Duke standing by the door watching me.
"You play quite well Elanor," He tells me walking to take a seat nearby. Not wanting to have to remain turned to continue talking to him I join him, seating myself on the chair next to his.
"Thank you but I still need more practice. I made several mistakes during the last piece yet I can't help but play it anyway. It's quite a favourite of mine," I admit feeling that I need to explain my instance of playing something beyond my capabilities.
"I quite understand. The piece is a remarkably beautiful one," He replies to my surprise as I wouldn't have thought he would have the same admiration for the piece as I do, "And if you feel the need for more practice then feel free to play whenever you want regardless of if I'm working or not. The music is quite pleasant to work to."
"Thank you, that's quite generous of you. And if you have any preferences I'd be delighted to play whatever you'd like," I offer wanting to express my gratitude for his approval of my practice.
"I'll be sure to let you know if I have any requests," He says rising to his feet and searching for moment through the sheet music, "In fact I'm rather fond of this one." Walking over to him I take the music he offers me, Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier.
"I shall practice it well," I tell him setting the sheet music at the pianoforte ready for the next time I'm ready to play. I've not tried to play this one before but it is a simpler piece than Beethoven's Piano Sonata No.14. For today though my playing is at an end as my hands are aching from the few hours straight that I've been playing.
"I look forward to it," William tell me quietly before leaving the library. His abrupt departure leaves me slightly off-balance and with little else to do I search for a new book which I retreat to my room to read.
The book allows me to pass the remainder of the afternoon quietly and in the comfort of my new room. It's much improved over my previous room with far more light available from the large windows and the chair I'm sitting in is far more comfortable to sit in for a long period of time than the seating I had before.
"Your Grace, dinner will be served soon. Would you like to change?" Marguerite asks entering the room. She doesn't waste time waiting for a reply before starting to search through my clothes for something suitable to wear for dinner.
"Yes thank you," I tell her setting my book down for later. With a triumphant smile Marguerite turns towards me proudly presenting her selection for dinner. A light purple dress with an embroidered sheer overlay and short sleeves, it's one of my best dresses that Lady Anne paid for intending for it to be worn at a ball. Yet with my new rank it's suitable for dinner and I'd be expected to wear something even more expensive in society.
As always Marguerite makes quick work of helping me change. Despite how well things have gone today with William this will still only be the second meal we've had together alone. Dinner tends to go on longer than other meals as there will be at least two courses, maybe even more depending on what the Duke's decided on.
Steeling myself I head downstairs to the dining room where once again William is already seated at the head of the table waiting for me. He stands as I enter waiting to re-take his seat until a footman has helped me into my seat, that seems to signal the start of the meal as food is placed in front of us.
"I won't be here for luncheon tomorrow. I have to go out and visit the tenants," William informs me as we start eating. The cook has prepared a delicious meal of chicken and vegetables that must, to my surprise, fit with the diet I've been prescribed.
"Thank you for letting me know," I give him a grateful smile pleased that he's letting me know in advance. It's a big improvement over his sudden disappearance to London without a single word to inform me, leaving me to find out for myself. "Is there a particular reason for the visit?"
"Not really but I've been busy in London for quite a while. I'd like to go out and see if there are any repairs that need to be taken care of. The steward does take care of things but I also like to see to these things myself."
Yet another sign that, despite our horrendous start, my husband is a good man. Humphrey has never cared about the tenants on his land even though they are vital part of his income. As much he loves money he'd prefer not to work for it and making sure that the tenant farmers on his land are able to work to the best of their abilities is too much effort for him. There isn't even a steward at Edmour.
"What time are you planning to?" I inquire a plan forming in my mind, "Perhaps I could make up some baskets for the families and go with you to deliver them. If there is time of course, I won't delay you from your work."
"I'll be leaving a few hours after breakfast so there should be time for some baskets to be prepared, if they can be prepared quickly. The tenants will surely appreciate them," He replies with a pleasant smile that I haven't seen before, it makes him all the more handsome. Blushing I focus my attention back onto my meal as we lapse into a comfortable silence.