Chapter 4

Dear diary

September 9, 2020

Dad called today.

He called to check up for me.

He kept on telling me to face my studies, take care of myself, blah blah blah…..

Now, to the important stuff, Toyin introduced me to a few of her other friends.

She introduced me to three guys who were in 400level, two from the Law department and one from the Linguistics department.

She also introduced me to her female friends. They were four in number. Three dressed the way Toyin usually dressed, while the remaining one always wore a hijab and a long black gown, she was also very quiet and reserved.

Her name was Beatrice.

Even when I waved at her, all she did was turn her head the other way. So rude, right?....

Well, whatever. Toyin and her other friends were way nicer than her. The guys looked and acted more like Yahoo guys. I made a promise to myself, not to mingle too much with them, and stay more closer to Toyin.

Well, I did see Dike in school, every once in a while. He always looks more handsome as the day goes by. I already told Toyin about my feelings for Dike, she said if I ever needed her help in getting Dike to go crazy about me, I should let her know.

I know I could always count on her.

Something weird did happen between Toyin and I today. I was pressed and needed to easy myself. There wasn't a toilet nearby, so I asked Toyin of I could ease myself in the bush nearby. She told me to follow her, which I did.We walked for a few minutes to a secluded area. It was a bit far from the department, there were only bushes around.

I waited for Toyin to turn around so I could ease myself, but she just stood there and watched me.I felt like since she was a woman like me, all I just had to do was, pee and move along with my life.

As I took off the hook on my trousers, the color of my underwear was on display.

"Your skin looks quite good in white underwear".

Toyin said me, making me feel weird. What kind of complement is that?.


I replied. Well, I'm dark skinned, so of course I would look good in white. I took off my panties, and eased myself.

All the while, I could feel Toyin's eyes on my body, I wanted to say something but, I decided against it.

I finished peeing, wore my panties and my trousers. I thanked Toyin for showing me where to ease the pain in my bladder.

"You have something on your ass". Toyin said from behind me. I tried dusting it off, but she kept on saying it was still there.

She requested to help me and I accepted. In the process of helping me, I noticed how she purposely rubbed my ass continusly. It was starting to get weird.

"Is it gone?"

. I asked starting to get frustrated. She smiled and nodded her head, before smacking my butt.

I yelped, she laughed and said she was sorry.I forgave her. We chatted as we walked to the department. As we got to the department, she hugged me and I did the same.

"I'll be going home now, we'll talk later. Have a nice day baby".

She said winking at me and pressing my ass at the same time. I wanted to tell her that I didn't like the way she touched my buttocks, but she was gone already. I felt really weird today because of that. I guess I'll tell her when next I see her about it.