Chapter 5

September 16, 2020

Dear diary

A lot has happened this past week. I don't know who to run to, or who to ask for help. I feel like I'm trapped. I can't breathe.

It all started after Toyin touched my buttocks.

Three days after that incident, Toyin chatted me on Whatsapp, and then and there, I told her I didn't like the way she touched my body.

She apologized and said she did it normally with other girls, and she didn't know that I would be offended by it. We settled on a good mutual ground. She told me she would love me to visit her on that day in the evening.

She said she would love to take me out, so we would have a bit of fun, and so she could show me around. I felt happy. I had not really had time to go out and explore Ekiti.

Toyin, sent me the address on my phone.I got so close to Toyin that I told her everything about me and my family. I told her about my late mom, and she told me her mom was also late.

She also told me e bow much Beatrice helped her cope with her loss. I was shocked to even know that the girl Beatrice was even nice.

I went on, telling her that my father had never trusted me, and she told me that most father's are just like that with their girls.

So here I was, getting ready to go out. Dike didn't come over to the house today, it was his day off.

Aunt Debrah on the other hand, had always been busy, I rarely get to see her at home. We don't even talk much anymore. Same thing with Rebecca. She hardly calls me, because most times, she's always busy studying.

Though, I hang out with Saint and Caleb, but I couldn't talk to them about the girly kind of stuff. So, all I had was Toyin.I wore a black gown, that stopped at my mid-thigh, with black sandals.

I put my virgin hair into a bun, added some lip gloss on my lips, brown powder on my face, and I was set to leave.As I got to her place, before telling you about her place, I never knew Toyin was very rich.

She told me her dad was still struggling to send her and her three other younger siblings to school. But, on getting to this place, her hostel was exquisite. It smelled of high class people.

I got my phone out and dialed her number and called it. It rang three times, before she answered it.She told me to come to room number fourteen, that she was getting ready. I ended the call, and walked, until I got to room number fourteen.

The painting of this hostel was dark pink and light pink. The doors were made of iron with imprints on them. Her hostel was also in iworoko. I checked the time on my phone, it was 5:36pm. I needed to be home, latest by 7.

Aunt Debrah would be home by 9, so I had to get there before her.I knocked on Toyin's door. I waited a minute before someone opened the door. It was Beatrice. And she looked very much different.

She had shorts and a crop top on."Hi…. Is this Toyin's room?". I asked distressed. There was something about this girl that irked me a lot. She gave me a once over, not answering me again, and opened the door for me to enter.

As I got in, she locked the door. I saw Toyin, and her other friends sitting on the bed. Toyin didn't look like someone who was ready to go out."Hey… good afternoon". I greeted them. Toyin's friends answered.

Toyin, stood up, walked to me and kissed me on the lips. I was alarmed and slapped her across the face. What did she think she's doing?."Toyin!. Are you okay, my love?" .

Beatrice rushed to Toyin's aid holding her by the waist, and kissing her forehead.Toyin's friends had already gotten up from the bed in defensive mode. On went to the TV and turned on the music, putting it on full blast. I was alarmed.

What was going on?.

Soon, a white cloth came from behind me, and covered my nose. I fought and fought. But, soon, the drug did it's job, and I fell asleep.

I woke up to the hearing of some voices around me. My vision was blurry, but soon it got clear. I was naked, and tied to Toyin's bed.

They didn't know I was awake yet, so I pretended to still be asleep.

"How much are you willing to pay?".

The voice I recognize as Beatrice voice said.

"30,000 naira should be enough from each of us, shouldn't it?"

A man's voice said."That's too small. She's virgin. 40 is better".

Toyin's voice said. What was going on?. What is happening?. Are they planning to let those men sleep with me?.

"Fine. Can we start now?".

Another man asked. There was silence for a minute, before I felt a pain on my cheek. Immediately, my eyes shot open.

"See, I knew she was awake. Get to work gentleman. She's all yours". A friend of Toyin said. The music was out on full blast again.

I kicked and screamed. I wanted someone to save me, someone to help me, but no one came to my aid.

No one came to my aid. I cried as I got deflowered by three men. Toyin and her friends just stood there, laughing at me and making videos of me. I cried as I was deflowered.

After the men were done, I fainted once more. I was woken up by water being splashes on my face.

"Get up, you slut. Go and wash yourself jare. Your smelling blood is all over our bed." Toyin said to me.

I got up from the bed, but the pain between my thighs was unbearable. I limped to the bathroom. In there, I cried my eyes out, and washed myself. I had to report them to the authorities.When I came out of the bathroom, they were all standing on the same spot watching me.

They smiled at me. Toyin walked up to me and touched my face, before kissing my lips again. I was too tired and weak to even slap her.

"Well, seems like she has finally learnt how to pay respect to those above her.". She said slapping me across the face.

"Give me your hand".

She ordered. I was sobbing. I didn't want to provoke them anymore. I stretched forth my hand to them. Immediately, I felt a sharp cut on my wrist.

I tried to remove my hand from Toyin's, but she didn't budge. She held my hand firmly, and I watched as my hand dripped from the knife, which was tied in red clothing.

My blood dripped down from my wrist, the pain was unimaginable. Toyin licked the knife which my blood was on. I was shocked beyond imagination.

I was still sobbing, while each of the girls took turns to lick the blood dripping from my wrist. Who exactly were this people?. What have I gotten myself into?.

It then came to the turn of Beatrice. Every single one of the girls, including Toyin, bowed their heads in respect to her. She held my wrist and sucked my blood. All the girls cheered for her.

"Her blood is quite tasty." Beatrice said wiping her mouth clean.

"Wear your clothes".

Beatrice commanded.I did as I was told, still sobbing. I needed to get out of here.

"Now, listen. I know what is going through your head right now. You want to run home and tell everyone about what happened. Well, I dare you. If anyone finds out about this, your sex tape would be leaked to the whole world, and I'll hunt you down and kill you.".

Beatrice said, before touching my face. I shivered, making the girls laugh more.

"Please don't kill me". I pleaded."I won't. If you do as I say. No one can know about today.

When I call, you answer. If I tell you to do anything, you must do as you're told. Do I make myself clear?!". Beatrice said pulling my by the ear. I nodded.

"Take her home. Use my car, she'll need rest". Beatrice said to Toyin. Toyin first, treated my wrist with a bandage. She told me if anyone asked what happened to me, I should just say, I harmed my wrist buy mistake. I was driven back home.

As I was about to get out of the car, Toyin kissed me again. I just let her, because I was terrified of what she'd do to me if I refused.I walked inside the house, and looked at the time. It was 8:44 pm already.

I quickly dashed into my room.I locked the door and laid on the bed, I cried my eyes out.

What was I going to do?. Who would I tell my story?.

Who would listen to me or rather help me?.

Diary, you are the only one I tell my secrets to.

What should I do?.