Chunin exams part 2

The exam was delayed by an hour due to my madness but it's all in the name of hagoromo. I could see all the genin candidates standing again with a clear distance from our team. The rookie nine were talking rather loudly which got them the attention of everyone. I saw from the corner of my eyes Kabuto moving towards them. I strained my ears to listen to the conversation which went totally the way he wanted.

I heard sasuke ask about information of me , listening which Kabuto started;

Name: Shin Uzumaki

Age: Thirteen

Rank : Genin

Bingo book threat : A

Before he could continue more i destroyed it with a quick application of my wing chakra and looked pointedly at him. He raised his arms in peace and the matter came to an end.

I was sitting within the examination room with a konoha shinobi from my side and temari of the sand from other. I looked at ibiki who was trying to psychologically play with the genins and it was a rather amusing sight. The whole context of cheating without being caught was basically understood by everyone except Naruto .

Looking around the class i saw genins trying different methods to copy the answers from anyone. Is that mirrors? Seeing tenten control massive mirrors for cheating and her stupidity to believe that no one saw it made me question the sanity of the girl.

Forty five minutes were soon over and ibiki declared that candidates who would not be participating need to leave the premises but if they participate and get the answer wrong they would be barred from entering in any exams ever again .

The tension in the room was too thick and a handful of candidates already were leaving the class. Suddenly Naruto started his Talk no Jutsu and the atmosphere returned to normal.

After seeing that none would be moving ibiki declared that we all passed the examination but a blur came crashing through the window with a banner of " Sexy and single proctor Anko"

Seeing her wearing the skimpy outfits made every boy loose their control. The anime did no justice to her body i thought. She instructed all the passing candidates to move towards the training ground forty four by tomorrow where the second test would begin.