In a world where superpowers reign supreme, one boy is born without any special abilities. Tormented by his peers and struggling to fit in, he wonders if he will ever be able to make a difference in a world full of heroes and villains.
But when a mysterious force known as the "Ability Shift" begins to sweep across the globe, everything changes. People who once had powers lose them, while those without suddenly gain them. The world is thrown into chaos as old alliances crumble and new ones are forged. Heroes become villains and villains become heroes.
Amidst all this upheaval, our young hero must learn to navigate a world in which the rules are constantly changing. With the help of a small band of misfits, he sets out to uncover the truth behind the Ability Shift and become the unlikeliest of heroes.
"The Ability Shift: The Unpowered Hero" is a thrilling tale of power, heroism, and the courage to stand up for what's right, even when all the odds are against you. Will our hero rise to the challenge and save the world, or will he be crushed beneath the weight of his own limitations? Read on to find out