I Don't Think You're Human

Both guards froze in place. Ice flooded their veins and frost stiffened their spines. It felt like someone had drenched them from a bucket freshly drawn from Ice Lake.

"I said, either move or get moved," LaRee repeated himself.

His guttural tone was bone-chilling. But it was the crazed look in LaRee's eyes that left the guards in a mental stupor.

Since the guards said and did nothing else, LaRee walked past the guards. He brushed shoulders with them and neither guard dared to react in any way. LaRee was allowed entrance without a word.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The small hut trembled under the force of LaRee's hard knocks. He exclaimed, "Ayse, I'm coming in!"

As LaRee entered the curtain, his footsteps paused. LaRee paid close attention to the room and noticed that something seemed off.