Brutal Realization

"It was just… broken, a-all of a sudden," LaRee admitted to himself. "… And… Dad was on the ground!"

"Breathe, LaRee!" Ayse gripped and shook LaRee's shoulders, repeating, "Just breathe, in and out. Just breathe and relax. Breathe and relax…"

For a split second, LaRee's eyes had flared red. But Ayse's quick actions and tranquil tone helped LaRee escape his encroaching mental fog. LaRee did as he was instructed. Breathing slowly, LaRee steadily grasped and accepted the implications of what Ayse had deduced.

"... Is this… Is this why I must be calm? All the time?"

"Um, what do you mean?" Ayse asked, keeping his tranquil tone.

Swallowing some saliva lodged in his throat, LaRee did his best to freely speak his mind, "Dad always says to keep calm. That I can't be mad. That I can't get frustrated. That I can't show those emotions around others… This is why. Isn't it?"

Ayse shrugged. "I'm not sure what your father was thinking. But let me explain what I know about orc frenzies.