This Is My Fault

"Finally!" Elder LaRae groaned. "I'm glad you agree, Brother."

"I'm not glad. I'm sad that I must agree…" Chief LaRoe continued shaking his head.

He glanced at Ayse for a moment. Then LaRoe focused on his son, who was in the middle of studying the surroundings of realization.

"... As chief, I've heard witnesses. I can see the aftermath with my eyes. And I now make my decision," LaRoe stated with hollow eyes. "Outsider Ayse… You are free of guilt. You may leave."

"WHAT?!" Elder LaRae cried out, drowning out the gasps of shock from the surrounding crowd and nearby elders.

Chief LaRoe repeated himself, "Outsider Ayse has saved the village. Multiple times."

"But he attacked the chief!" Elder LaRae barked.

"Outsider Ayse also saved the chief. And the chief's son," LaRoe retorted with reason. "Outsider Ayse saved Elder Kano, also. Now, Outsider Ayse has saved three more elders. Is that worthy of punishment?"