As Chief, I Pass Judgment

… thump…

Amidst the abrupt silence, someone's knees hit the ground. The early light of dawn was barely peeking out over the glaciers on the horizon. And that downtrodden man's shadow stretched out toward LaRee.

Chief LaRoe sighed and frowned, "I believe LaRee… I was no witness. But the scene I discovered is best explained by a frenzied attack. Much like what we just saw. And it gives reason to how LaRee survived."

Clenching his fists, dirt lodged in Elder Kano's nails as his fingers scraped through the dirt. He was on hands and knees a few meters behind the chief. And the elder struggled to lift his head to look at either the chief or at the confessing culprit.

"LaRee… This… This is true?" Elder Kano stammered, fumbling through his tumultuous thoughts.

Nodding, wanting to bury his head in the ground, LaRee replied, "Yes. It is… It was my fault."

"You…" Elder Kano's jaw clenched and trembled. "... You killed my son?"

"... I… believe I did."