What is Dyma?

Nodding with a sigh, Ayse complied, saying, "Sure. I'll tell you a bit about it.

"Along the walls are the generators and circuits. Those are what charge and power the ship, for the most part," Ayse explained. "As for the five largest machines, they each have a special function.

Ayse pointed at two, identical engines, each one positioned near one of the side walls. "Those are the hover engines. They power the ship's wings and get it off the ground."

"Wings?" LaRee wasn't going to let that fact slide by unchecked. "What wings?"

"I'll show you in a minute, but know those are the machines powering them." Moving on, Ayse redirected LaRee's attention to the backmost machine. Ayse said, "That's the thruster engine, or thruster for short. That's what controls how fast we can go, and what helps steer the ship."

But LaRee felt that something was off. "Only one en-jun? Why two for the wings? And one for moving forward?"