To Be a Dymancer

"Now, as for what kind of dyma you'll train… I have no clue," Ayse admitted with a shrug. "And I don't own anything to test affinities. So finding any of the usual training methods will need to wait till the next planet. But I have a feeling even that planet might not have what you need.

"Unless you've got some story about ancestors with crazy powers. Got any of those?"

LaRee put on a stern, thinking face. "Hmm… My great ancestor could shoot arrows without a bow. And he never needed arrows."

"... Do you know how? Because that makes no sense," Ayse bluntly replied.

But LaRee shook his head. "No. That's all the legend says."

Ayse scratched the side of his head. "Well… At least it's something. But that's not enough of a hint to determine your dyma affinity.

"Was your great ancestor a human, like your father?"

"Yes. Why would he not be?" LaRee replied with a question of his own.