Goodbye, JoKuul

"We're flying… actually flying…" LaRee mumbled through the giddy grin on his face. "And… Sky God isn't sharing her wrath…"

The ship crawled into the sky, taking its time to clear the treetops and scoot forward with the thruster half-idling. After seeing the awe on LaRee's face, how could Ayse not give LaRee a final, beautiful view of his homeworld?

LaRee ran to the back of the deck to see the thruster at the lower rear of the ship.

When he LaRee noticed how the thruster could wiggle from side to side, that's when it clicked. "The thruster! It moves with the wheel!"

"Yeah, that's right," Ayse shouted in confirmation.

"We're flying… We're flying in the sky!"

Though LaRee's legs weren't accustomed to the strange movements of the ship, he was fast to adapt. LaRee maintained his balance while they drifted at a steady pace. And a few sights popped into view, taking LaRee's breath away.