Welcome to the Dymension!

:::[... Munch, munch… Apologies for the extended delay!]:::

:::[*Coughs, while wiping cookie crumbs from his lips*]:::

:::[Now that we're all settled and ready, I'll pick up where we left off. I believe it was…]:::

:::[Here! The posse's first jump into the dymension! Oh, how riveting a tale… When it draws you in with a brief description of need-to-know terms, only to cut off at the last moment and leave you hanging in suspense, wondering what to think or how the new details given at the end of the arc could ever be relevant once they leave the planet–]:::

:::["GET ON WITH IT!" a feminine voice shouted from downstairs. "We've got plans, and I won't let you stall by chatting with your imaginary, online friends. Not this time!"]:::

:::[Honey, please, I'm in the middle of something! There's no need to be so rude to our guests. This won't… This shouldn't take too long...]:::

:::[Allow me to apologize once more. He, he… Now, where were we?]:::
