What... Is That?

The tension in the air was shattered as Ayse burst into unstoppable laughter, even if only for a few seconds. 

"Oh… It's just an expression," Ayse mentioned. "Most people are right-handed. So calling you my right-hand man means you're as trusted and capable as my own right hand."

Nodding in understanding, LaRee replied, "Ah. I am getting it… Then I will be your right hand!"

Ayse patted LaRee on the shoulder and walked toward the wheelhouse. "Come on. I'll show you where the butcher paper is to wrap the meat. And the cooler."

LaRee followed despite not understanding what Ayse was talking about. But since Ayse was going to show them off, LaRee waited until he could see the items before asking any questions. 

The duo went down to the small storage room. In one corner, there was a chest fridge with a door on top. Beside that chest cooler, there was a half-used spindle of butcher paper, which Ayse pulled out and threw over his shoulder.