What Do You Think?

"Hey, this isn't too bad," Ayse commented. He tapped his foot on the grey rug.  "At least you have a rug. And you're allowed to have a stove, so that's pretty good if you ask me."

"R-right?" Baloo chuckled, relieving a portion of his newest batch of nerves.

Examining the room in detail, Ayse kept up his default demeanor. In particular, Ayse kept his eye on the ceiling lights. 

"So, how do you cut everything up?" Ayse asked, breaking the ice of a new conversation.

Baloo rushed toward the corner of the room, near the door. There was a big barrel of water, which Baloo used to fill two bowls. Then, after placing the bowls on the concrete counter, Baloo lifted the corner of his mattress. He pulled out an old but sharpened chef's knife, as well as a banged-up, cooking spoon.

"Shh… Don't tell anyone I have this," Baloo shyly said. "One of the managers lent me this in secret, so I make sure to hide it. Just in case another manager pays me a visit."