Wrap Up Your Little Game

"Silver Crown? I've never heard such a ridiculous name before," Forde scoffed over the phone. "And he wants the ogre?"

Fred half-nodded through his aching pains, "Yeah."

"What did he say, exactly?" Forde asked with complete seriousness. 

"Well… He said the ogre would be joining them, either after we set him free–"

"That's not happening," Forde calmly but firmly stated. 

Fred agreed, saying, "I know. I'm just sharing his exact words."

"Right." Forde's strict tone slightly eased up. "Continue."

"... So he'll wait in Ludok until we set the ogre free or the ogre revolts against us. And…" Fred hesitated to add the last part. "... This part I quote, Boss. The guy said, 'Make sure your little boss gets the message–'"

C-crack! Frzz…

Sighing, Fred eased up and lowered his phone. "Yep. He's pissed… I can't remember the last time he broke the phone."