Cottage Town: Drakeep

Beyond the outskirts of town, the light of dawn was settling on the horizon. Two figures trekked down a low hill while taking in the sight. 

"Wow…" LaRee couldn't say anything more fitting. He was awed by everything before his eyes.

Light trickled through the one and two-story homes of the outskirts. The roofs were sharply pitched with tar-stained, wooden shingles. Wooden slats and cemented stones were the most common materials for siding. That matched the smooth, stone-paved roads very well. 

Nodding, Ayse said, "How quaint. Seems like a chill place to live… What's wrong Ree? Sky God got your tongue?" 

LaRee lightly slapped his own cheek. "... There are so many huts. And they are made with stone? What is this stone path, why is it different than normal stone?"