Calm, Cottage Breakfast

It was a faded blue cottage, no larger than a small home. The front, however, had open, double doors to let the scent of fresh breads and sweets waft through the street. There was no sign anywhere but the smell was a far better indicator than any plain sign could ever be.

Ayse shoved the green pennant into his coat and ran through the open doors. 

LaRee was only a second behind. The smell was familiar yet foreign, pushing LaRee's culinary intrigue back to their peaks. 

"H-Hi!" A man in a flour-dusted apron exited the back room. His welcoming smile wavered when he spotted the next batch of customers. But The man adjusted quickly, asking, "What can I get you today?" 

Unperturbed by the baker's reaction, Ayse pointed at a basket on the shelf behind the counter. "What are those? And how much for four of them?"