Relocating the Ogre

Ker-Bump! Bump…

An all-black armored truck drove across the rolling hills, bouncing as it sped over a tiny, hill's edge. It sped over the patchy grassland away from the beaten path. And it rushed toward the south end of Ludok City. 

Inside the truck, Baloo sat in the back. His head bonked against the ceiling with each bump. His tail was tucked to the side to be as comfortable as possible. 

On both sides of Baloo, there were two armed goons. Each carried a knife and a handgun. Across from Baloo, there were four more armed goons. And all eight of the men kept silent. Both out of orders and out of concealed fear. 

If anything, the armed goons were the most uncomfortable in that space. Confined in a cramped box with a hulking monster of a man, whose tail and long arms could practically reach from wall to wall? It was a nightmare of a job on paper.

The only reason the goons were willing to accept the job was due to Baloo's forever compliance.