Interrogation and Realization

"And they snuck into your bunker?" Fred asked next.

Baloo's face twitched. "N-no. I… I let them in."

"What did they do? Bribe you with meat?" Diona questioned with a mocking chortle. Her narrowed, demeaning gaze honed in on Baloo's every micro-movement. "That would make nothing more than an ogre, wouldn't it?" 

Fred cut in again, saying, "Either way, you let them in. And then what. I looked like you got in a fight with them. Wasn't it you that broke the wall?" 

Nodding, Baloo looked away from Diona. "Yeah. I-I attacked them first. That's when you showed up…"

"Well, that's good. I'm glad we could step in before you were in danger," Fred stated with an amicable sigh.

Baloo nodded again but offer a verbal reply. 

And Diona, along with Fred in a less noticeable way, never looked away from Baloo. In particular, they both paid close attention to how unnaturally tight Baloo kept his closed mouth.