Getting Chipped

"And that's something to not forget," Ol' Harold said with a sly smile. "The Larquad Posse is the vaguely hidden leader of Ludok's underbelly. Y'all can't assume everything is fine, even if y'all can handle Fred Durphy's donkey ass."

As the three men exited an alley, Ayse nodded and looked down the street. "We'll keep that in mind. How much is Forde's bounty, anyway?"

The skinny, old man led the duo toward a small shop less than a hundred meters away. And Harold answered, "He's worth a decent amount. Highest on the planet." 

"For a non-council, civil planet, that's not saying much," Ayse scoffed. 

"Fair point," Harold snickered. "Still, y'all best keep in mind that he's worth $200,000. That's double the next-highest bounty on Ludok. And that lady also works under Forde."

Squinting, Ayse asked, "Who put out those bounties, cause they can't be cluster-wide? Right?"