Visit to the Barriot: Deluxe

Dressed up for the part, Ayse moved on to the next step of his plan.

He followed the elven man's tracks as best he could. Ayse moved in the same direction while keeping an eye out for other elves lurking in the area. 

Eventually, Ayse hit the jackpot.

Though he didn't spot the same man from earlier, Ayse spotted two more men wearing the same slacks and dress shirts. They loosely positioned themselves on opposite sides of a particular hotel. There was also a third elf across the street, sitting outside of a high-class cafe with a cup of coffee. 

*Found it.* Ayse didn't bother greeting the elven lookouts. 

Nor did the lookouts do much in response to Ayse's appearance. They just kept up appearances while eating breakfast on the job.