I Already Know Everything About You

Aegri's tongue sputtered and failed to form a response. Her worried face relaxed, a bit.

Of course, it was far from the first time being complimented or hit on. It was just the first time such a compliment came without elite decorum and with no alcohol involved. 

So she recovered quickly, saying, "No, I didn't invite you in here. You invited yourself!"

"And you wanted to test me, so what better than letting you try to catch me in the act," Ayse reasoned. "I told you I was coming. I told you I would be here soon. I told you to try and at least get a sense of how I did it. Sure, you got distracted. But that's your fault for leaving your door open. Don't blame me for that." 

"I'm not blaming you for that," Aegri disputed. She crossed her arms and tilted her chin up, looking down at the sitting man. "I'm stating a fact, that you entered uninvited!"