I'll Wear My Crown to the Grave

With her pride challenged, Aegri forced herself to reply, "You know, that's one of the most arrogant things anyone's ever said to me."

"Coming from you, that means a lot," Ayse chuckled. 

"That's not something to laugh about." Marching up close to him, Aegri put her hands on her hips and scolded him, "You have no idea what I've been through. You don't know me. And you don't know who I'm tied to. So I recommend you stop assuming you know everything. 

"Keep that up, and you'll wind up in trouble so deep that you'll drown."

Shrugging some more, Ayse showed how little he cared. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, Aegri, but I learned to swim a long time ago. And I've swam through some deep shit myself. So, while I agree that I haven't taken the time to know you personally, don't expect me to flounder in fear like a common rookie or a small-minded criminal. I'm Silver Crown Ayse!