Did You Forget Something?

"Just shut up already!"

With red on her cheeks, Aegri looked down at her plate. She made herself busy by eating faster. 

But she had no hope of competing with Baloo and the silent LaRee. Their forks sped across their plates with hunger-powered precision. 

Ayse took that as his cue to quietly eat, victorious in the verbal war for the time being. 

Breakfast was eaten up in record time thanks to LaRee and Baloo attacking their first-ever doses of eggs benedict. Aegri even got seconds of the parfait, paired with coffee and cinnamon cream. 

"How was it?" Baloo's eyes ballooned as they sought approval from his most experienced critic. 

Aegri shifted her attention to the reptilian man's pleading eyes. A glint of a grin appeared on her face. "... It was adequate. I look forward to more meals of this quality."