I'm Sorry, Young Miss

"You have my utmost appreciation, Young Miss!" 

The officer finally lifted his head and turned to Ayse with a prompting nod. The officer didn't even glance at the dead bodies. He was too busy bowing to the nobleman.

"I'm sorry, Young Master, but it would seem that your side was in the wrong in this interaction. Have you anything to say about the matter?"

The arrogant nobleman brushed some of his long, thinning hair behind his shoulder. His reflective bald spot sparkled as the noble nodded and pointed. "Yes. It's their fault."

The officer and the crowd looked back at the fresh corpses. Though many of the audience were repulsed to see death on the Main Deck of all places, the officer wasn't fazed in the slightest. "Very well. Then allow us to clean up this mess. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, Young Master."