No Longer in Jarl, Legally

"But you don't have to say it like that," Aegri remarked, squinting at Ayse. "Baloo has nothing to worry about. Because he's not a slave, and he's not for sale. He's too busy working for me for anyone to do anything to him."

Ayse added, "And he's already my brother. So no slaver will ever get their hands on him, not without paying with their own blood."

Aegri shook her head at Ayse's boundless confidence. "You think you can take on an entire slave trader's organization? By yourself?" 

Not answering the question, Ayse paid attention to the quizzical look on Baloo's face. "What's wrong, Loo?"

"Well… Slavery is illegal in Jarl, right? But aren't we still in Jarl?" Baloo asked. 

"That is what I am not getting," LaRee added to the question. "How can slavery be legal here if it is actually illegal?"

"Because we're not currently in Jarl. Not legally." 

Ayse's answer left both inexperienced men dazed.