Report for the Captain

"Captain! I have an urgent report." 

Coming up a rising platform, a Wizley Officer entered the bridge. 

There was a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view from the high-up control room with windows all around. Computers lined the ovular walls with the stations of commanding officers on a raised floor in the bridge's center. 

Over a dozen people were clacking away at keyboards or swiping their fingers across tactile screens. Only a couple of people on the command platform turned to address the Wizley Officer. 

"The captain's on break. Unless it's an isolated landmass or a drifting glacier, just tell me." The man who spoke wore a mix of navy and light blue on his suit, with a perfectly pressed yellow tie for the required splash of yellow for all staff members. On his shoulder were two white stars with a "UW" emblem emblazoned in gold as a background.