You Are Safe...

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"In the name of Karles Cheinsleigh, Baron of the Third-degree! Open your door and greet me properly!" The Baron stood by the door, shouting at the top of his lungs. 

However, it wasn't the baron pounding the metal door. It was one of two men in military garb. 

"This is an order from Baron Karles Cheinsleigh!" With his gloves, he tapped the plastic dome around his face. His other arm crossed his chest while clenching his opposite bicep. "Announce yourself! Greet me and display your worth for such an extravagant suite!"

Duh, ding.

"My Lord Baron." The guard in waiting pulled out a phone. "We have a hit on our gig." 

Swapping his furious frown for a greedy grin, the baron straightened his silver dress shirt. "Wonderful. On Rewardz or Zanction?"

"On Rewardz," the guard clarified, turning the phone screen toward the baron. "There's still no activity regarding the Zanction post."