LaRee's Shift

Aegri nodded, even before thinking. But she didn't say anything. 

LaRee accepted the notion as his answer, pulling out his phone without batting an eye. "There. Text sent." 

"Wait, I didn't mean it like that," Aegri shyly stated. "I'm not doubting your abilities, LaRee. I'm just a bit nervous, I suppose."

"Think nothing of it, Miss Boss. I have taken no offense," LaRee replied with an unchanged expression. 

Still a bit out of rhythm, Aegri sighed, "I'm glad to hear that. Also… I'm glad to have you and Loo working with me. It's rare for me to be around people who act so genuinely."

LaRee smiled back at her. "I am just being me. Loo does the same, as does Ayse."

"That's true. But that's why it's kind of… refreshing, I guess," she sheepishly giggled.

Duh, ding.