Locating the Murder Weapon

"Young Miss," Ayse spoke up again, "it would seem that if we don't want the entire suite to be swept and investigated, you'll have to answer that question. Am I right, Head Officer?"

Mocked nodded. "That is not the only condition to warrant an investigation of your private suite. But it is the first crucial piece of evidence that we must verify. And we will be forced to acquire a warrant for a full sweep of this suite."

Aegri felt her heart pounding against her ribcage. Each beat vibrated through her torso… She wasn't sure what to believe, think, or do. 

"Why not comply with this one piece of evidence?" 

The elven woman nearly fumbled her eyes when she heard Ayse's casual inquiry. 

Mocke showed the first crack in his neutral expression, astonished to hear that from the man he was most interested in investigating. "Young man, you do realize what you are asking her to do, don't you?"