Answering Questions

Walking through the command floors above the Main Deck, the head officer silently led his four men and their suspect.

Ayse spotted Wizley workers of all kinds while traversing the command floors, from booth workers to shop attendants and security personnel to basic crew hands. Whistling, Ayse kept his thoughts locked away behind his unreadable, emotionless face. 

When they reached the hub area of the Wizley Officers, Head Officer Mocke started receiving salutes from each passerby. 

And they soon approached a hall labeled "Interrogation & Holding." 

Ayse was taken to one of the furthest doors down the hall. Upon entering, they found themselves in the spectating room with a one-way window. 

Head Officer Mocke nodded to Ayse and opened the door to the actual questioning room. "After you."

"How polite," Ayse cheekily chuckled as he stepped through the doorway.