Pardon Me, Mr. Holt, But...

"Very well. Then it's time for you to come home."

"N-No!" Aegri shouted. "That's not fair! That's not what we agreed on–"

"Faegrynn Holt, I will not have you traveling willy nilly through the dymension, allowing anyone to target you or Holt Industries so blatantly. I won't allow it!" 

"Please! Just listen to me for once! I'm perfectly fine–"

"I won't allow it, Faegrynn," Mr. Holt firmly stated. His volume returned to normal, but his disinterested tone was long gone. 

"I'll plan for your pick up immediately. You're to stay on that cruiser and go nowhere else, not until a ship and personnel have arrived to escort you home. 

"... Is that clear?

"... Faegrynn Holt, I'll ask a final time. Is that clear?"

… Shaky fingers. Quivering lips. Flickering eyelids. Aegri had lost control of all motor skills. 

"... y-yes–"

"Pardon me, Mr. Holt, but may I speak for a moment?"