A Most Dangorous exploration(II)

Party location:  Front door of the spire

Party Status: 

Tiffaney Dyne,  Hp: 8 MP: 0 

Skills:  Trap awareness, Trap architecture, Trap experience, 

Buffs/De-buffs:  Mad scientist in training (+2 to crazy ideas.)

Equipment:  Light Augmentation suit, Leather gloves, impact resistance googles, cute scrunchy 

Ivy Nocturne, Hp: 9 MP: 4 

Skills:  Earth obsidian magic, Loved by animals, Equestrian journeyman 

Buffs/De-buffs:  Party with her romantic target (-2 to trap awareness rolls)

Equipment:  Light Augmentation suit, Leather gloves, impact resistance googles, pumice hair band

Having discovered the trap plate to the stairs, the pair had made it pass the warmup and were now facing the main double doors.  Portals themselves were never traps, not even this one.  It was a good idea in theory to rig entrances and exits to detonate, until one late night stumbling goes kaboom.