A most Dangerous Exploration(III)

Party location:  Rear cliff face, one hundred and seven meters above the ocean

Party Status:  Panicked 

Tiffaney Dyne, Hp: 8 MP: 0 

Skills:  Trap awareness, Trap architecture, Trap experience, 

Buffs/De-buffs:  Mad scientist in training (+2 to crazy ideas.), Panicking by cliff side (-2 to calm)

Equipment:  Light Augmentation suit, Leather gloves, impact resistance googles, cute scrunchy 

Ivy Nocturne, Hp: 8 MP: 3 

Skills:  Earth obsidian magic, Loved by animals, Equestrian journeyman 

Buffs/De-buffs:  Party with her romantic target (-2 to trap awareness rolls), Panicking by cliff side (-2 to calm)

Equipment:  Light Augmentation suit, Leather gloves, impact resistance googles, pumice hair band