An evil organization has errored greatly (III)

In retrospect, it was these words that the artist would wish she never said, as it firmly defined her working relationship with young heir. With that comment, she was forever poisoned in the eyes of the noble teenager, who would hold it against the artist forever. 

Completely non pulsed at being set aside, model one didn't react when the noble heir placed her down. She didn't react when Tiffaney yanked the women down by her hair. Failed to notice when the heir tossed screeching artist onto the ground. Lightly responded to the sudden detonation that occurred, before ignoring the women artist as she ran around with her hair on fire.

Model one had been so desensitized to the world around her by the constant nagging and coaxing of the deranged artist. When interspersed with total disregard for others as humans, and several art pieces that were made from said disregard humans, whatever kept her alive had been enough.