An evil organization has errored greatly(IV)

"How certain of that are you?" Tiffaney felt a very cold thought wash over her, if the royal family was involved than any actions she took had a good chance of being noticed by the few in the empire that knew the truth of her heritage matters. By treaty obligation, there was a certain number of restrictions that helped both sides. Even further, they were not ready to disregard these circumstances…who cared? 

Her identity as the countess Rosewood should shield matters and even if it was, this kind of institutional abuse was not something that the heir could personally tolerate. Notwithstanding, prosecuting by law against high nobles was an act of futility with out massive support of the assembly or the people. 

"The ring belongs to the royal family, the hand had moderate aging and callous. The third prince is to soft and young, the second princess has the wrong gender, and the father is too old."