Under Spiral (VI)

Stopping the Nocturne daughter from executing the man was the first priority. However, before they could stop her, she swung down at the ankle. 



Watching the blood splatter across her face was horrifying, even the gurgling scream of the man she struck palled in comparison.

"Quick, get this wrapped up, and get healing magic on it." Shouldering the ax, she turned and looked at her family. Receiving looks that were normally reserved for the mad lady Dyne, she was taken aback. 

"It's domain level magic, all I can do to help is remove the limb as cleanly as possible." Pointing at the stone arch she swung it again and scratched the surface. Within moments the head of the ax dissolved into the stone as if slipping beneath the surface of water. The long handle stuck out but as they watched it, the stone was gradually dragged in slowly repairing the small scratch made in the conduit.