Erika woke up to find herself in a room, a bedroom to be specific. She had expected to find herself in a warehouse or an alley after she turned unconscious, but a bedroom?

"Where am I?" She thought out loud. Taking slow steps towards the windows, she placed her hands on the soft curtains to move them apart and see the environment but frowned deeply when the only thing she saw was light.

"I thought this was the sun," she mumbled again. "Gosh, why can't I remember anything?" She asked herself again while she tried to close her eyes and focus until it dawned on her.

She was heading to her room to fetch Monica's flowers when that unknown man suddenly walked up to her and placed a handkerchief on her nose. Her heart thumped faster in her chest when she realized that she had been kidnapped, again.

"But who could be behind this?" She muttered under her breath.