"And if Ethan magically appears here within that one week," his tone holding sarcasm, "Then, I will let you go, are you in?" he asked her.

"I'm in," she replied. 'I would love to see the look on your face when Ethan comes to wherever you brought me and take me back', she thought to herself.

"Good girl", he raised his hand in an attempt to pat her head but she moved her body away. Adrain dropped his hand back on his side. "I will have someone get you your dinner", he said and reached into his pocket to bring out a card to press. Erika examined the card with her eyes quickly before he put it back into his pocket.

The wall-like door opened and Ethan stepped inside. Erika was about to step inside too but he stopped her. "Remember the bet," he reminded her.

Erika stopped in her tracks and watched him disappear from her sight.

She darted her eyes around the empty room that only had the bed and wondered, when did Adrain have the money to do all this?