An Encounter With our ‘Neighbors’

Soon the night came and we feasted on the food we had gathered for the day and enjoyed the night away before we all went to bed for the night while I kept the systems notifications on through the night to notify me when they enter our territory.

But this was just the calm before the coming storm…



Soon enough the morning sun began to rise while I was holding my lovely wife in one arm while the rest of my daughters were piled on to me or holding each other to keep each other warm while some of them had slightly large bellies showing their progressing pregnancies.

The sun hit my eyes waking me up, though I wanted to go back to sleep I knew I needed to get up, so planting a kiss on my wife's cheek and my nearby daughters as well I slinked out of bed as the sleepy girls made way for me to get out of bed as I re-equipped my armor before grabbing my bear pelt and sword as I walked out of my tent with a determined look in my eyes.

I saw Shazza, Xahka, Vira and Neex already outside sitting on logs before a small fire as they sharpened their weapons with whetstones or for Xahka, just blankly stare into the fire as she leaned on her magic staff before she and the others turned towards me.

"They're coming." I said as the system alerted me of them coming into my territory, they weren't moving insanely fast but they will get here in 10 minutes which is pretty damn fast to travel roughly a mile on foot.

'And it looks their doing that speed at a casual pace' I think to myself as I watch the map visualizing the intruders as they were heading right for our home as the five of us soon reached the northern ramparts and took our positions as we waited for our 'guests' to arrive.


"I can't believe we are doing this, why did mother tell us to go and do this again?" One of the women of the group said to another, they were both were wearing some what regal and noble clothes.

"Mother sensed the creation of another King Monster, and not just that but this king has received the blessing of the Great Mother Terra herself and with a territory of protection made by her we need to investigate personally, and if they are sullying Mother Terra in anyway…." She said leaving a hint of threat in her voice as their four guards nodded in response.

These women were known as the Wood Elves a race of Elves that have stayed more closer to their roots that they are enemies of the mortal races for their extensive damage to nature and thus are part of the monster races along with their Dark Elf brethren.

The two royal wood elf princesses were Princesses Adaara & Shaleth ad Vestra along with their personal royal guards Enstrianna Rumkerym, Thia Refete, Quena Mithrum & Theirastra Remith acting as their protection for this mission that their mother Queen Sonia ad Vestra had placed upon them.

(N) the 'ad' is like 'of' in our language, example being Jacques de Molay is the name but if translated straight into English it would be like, 'Jacques of House Molay' but since we wouldn't want to write or read it that way we just read/write it as Jacques de Molay instead, if someone has a last name but doesn't have something similar to ad or de in their full name that means they either gave themselves a last name, it's the families last name but are not nobility or it was given to them by someone of a noble title do to their deeds and thus after a few generations the family would be aloud to to become a minor noble family down the line letting them get the de or ad in their names.

"Princesses, we will be arriving shortly…. I can see their walls in the distance…." Enstrianna said back to them both as she was the leader of this group of the royal guard.

"Tch, sullying nature by building those walls from the trees of these great woods we call home, I haven't met this king and I'm liking him less already." Adaara said as she clicked her tongue as she could see the walls as well.

"…. I'm not so sure about that sister…. Those walls they…. They look like they were grown out of the ground that way." Shaleth said as she got a better look at the walls that they were coming upon.

But as they were less than 50 meters away-

"Hold it right there." They heard a shout from the walls before a large group of goblins rose up over the walls and took aim at them while their guards did the same and aimed right back at them.

Though they soon saw one male goblin, one that was surprisingly good looking for his kind, where he could be mistaken as a sickly elf child by the other mortal races at first glance, and it wouldn't be surprising if they did.

"Now then, to what do I owe the pleasure of the Wood Elves sending a scouting party to my home?" He asks as the tension begins to rise in the air, one wrong move and a fight will be inevitable.

(Wolbet Pov)

'Shit, why did the Wood Elves have to come here? I mean it could have been a group of Treants coming which would have been horrible as they would have turn the entire woods against us as a result but Wood Elves aren't much better.' I think to myself as I look down at this group of women.

They may be weaken thanks to Terra's protection, but I get the feeling that I shouldn't attack them if I can help it.

At least they can be reasoned with to an extent, but these nature lovers can get pissed quickly when you start cutting down trees and start taking resources without giving back to the world.

"I take it you are the Goblin King?" One of the two more nobly dressed said as she looked straight at me.

"The one and only, though it's proper to introduce yourself first, especially when you come into MY territory uninvited." I say back with some snark in my voice.

I could see her jaw moving like she was grinding her teeth before she grabbed her face and took a deep breath as she looked back at me, *ehem* "I am Adaara ad Vestra first princess of the ad Vestra royalty, along with my sister Shaleth ad Vestra, and we have come here under the request of our mother and Queen Sonia ad Vestra to meet the new Goblin King and one other thing before we will take our leave from your…. Territory." She said the last part with strain as this isn't supposed to be my land but actually theirs.

"Well since you introduced yourselves I'll do the same, I am King Wolbet and this is my Queen Regina at my side." I motion to myself and my lovely wife who smiles happily as she leans into me as I wrapped my free arm around her waist.

"Now that we have introduced ourselves, what is your other business do you have here?" I say getting to the point.

"No beating around the bush I see." Adaara mumbles to herself before she looks back towards me with a serious look on her face.

"Alright then I'll get to the point then, how is it that a 'Goblin' like yourself able to get a major blessing from the Great Mother Terra herself, and most of all, why in the name of the Great Spirits have you let those 'Creatures' into your home letting them corrupt the land they walk upon!" She said as she pointed at Shazza and the rest of the bokoblins in sight.

"…. What. Did. You. Just. Say?" I asked very slowly as I pulled the sword out from its sheath as I pointed it right at them.

"Choose your next words wisely, or else I'll ignore mothers pleas and stain the ground red with your blood!"


Royal Guard Enstrianna Rumkerym

Royal Guard Thia Refete

Royal Guard Quena Mithrum

Royal Guard Theirastra Remith

First Princess Adaara ad Vestra

Second Princess Shaleth ad Vestra

Queen Sonia ad Vestra