Boiling Point

Things had just gotten real tense real fast with what these women decided to say some shit about my family.

It was a stare off between us all for a bit, but before things could go bad the younger sister put her hand on the eldest of the two, "Sister calm yourself, we can't jump to conclusions on things, Great Mother Terra wouldn't let them stay within her presence if they were still under that vile man's control." She said as she looked for the conclusions from what she saw.

And what she said rings true as after all the Great Spirits, especially Terra have disdain and hatred towards the old DemonKing, but thanks to them gathering the necessary materials to make a statue in her likeness she in return gave them the freedom from the DemonKings corruption upon their bodies, and any others who desire freedom from the corruption later on as well.

"Mother was the one who cleaned them of their corruption from the DemonKing when they helped me in creating the statue I made in her honor, I demand an apology for what you said about my tribe and about my family in that way!" I still was irritated with the shit she said about Shazza and the others and the looks on their faces they weren't particularly happy either.

I could see a look of conflict on the older sister face, even though their wood elves, in the end their still elves and still see themselves superior to others that aren't of their race, but her sister elbowed her and gave her a look that basically was saying 'suck your pride and apologize, he has Great Mother Terra as his protector, disrespecting him is like disrespecting her'

After a bit of a pause she took a deep breath and sighed before looking back at me, "I am sorry for what I said, I was just surprised at what I was seeing, my outburst was unbecoming of me, so again I apologize for what I had said to you and your tribe." She said as she bowed her head to me in apology, even if it hurt her pride.

"Hmmm." I look at Shazza and the rest who look back at me and shrug before putting their weapons down or away, "Apology accepted then, now then is there anything else your here to talk about or were you just here to see your new 'neighbors'?" I decide to ask.

"You still haven't answered my first question as to why Great Mother Terra has given you her protection, she rarely ever, if at all, gives her blessings outside of the wood elves…. And the dark elves…." She mumbles the last part which I don't quite catch.

"Simple, Mother created both me and my lovely wife herself from the very sacred ground of the Valley of Terra herself, if it weren't for her telling me to leave with my current family and make my own tribe we wouldn't have ever left, but we did and so we find ourselves here." I say as I spread my arms wide.

"T-T-That's impossible! Monsters haven't been created from the very dirt itself since the beginning of life here on Gaia! And even if Great Mother Terra did that she would have used a great amount of her divinity to create not just one but two people like that would exhaust her for decades! Maybe even for a century or two…. Unless….." she shouts out at first before she starts to notice something and looks back up at me as I decide to finish her thoughts.

"Unless the rise DemonKing a few centuries ago forced her to prepare for the worst in the event all monsters became corrupted by his influence or the mortal races retaliated against monsters in general to weaken monsters overall, and look both happened for the most part, now let me ask you this, have you ever seen a male goblin that looks as remotely good as me?" I decide to finish what she was gonna say before posing a question to her of my own.

"…. No I haven't…." Which is true any of the male goblins that she has ever seen were rather ugly looking with female goblins being rather decent looking for the most part, that's why tribes of males would attack mortals and r*pe them to breed with them and the females aren't much different in that regard either doing it with any guy that has decent looks and good stamina to make their personal breeding studs.

"Right? I think Mother decided to make me as the best possible version a male goblin can look like so she made me look so cute and handsome, and the same can be said about my lovely wife here and my beautiful daughters, how stunningly gorgeous they are compared to the rest of our race, though they are beautiful in their own way, my family is on a different level." I go onto explain while taking pride in me and my families looks.

"Now is there anything else you need from me Princesses?" I say as frankly I want this over and done with so we can start stockpiling supplies before the girls get to pregnant to do any work until they give birth.

"Yes there is one last thing, will you let us pay our respects to the statue of Great Mother Terra?"

"…. Are you questioning my intelligence or something? Do you honestly think I would let you into my home like a wolf at the door? No I refuse to let any of you into my home wha-"


Suddenly a wave of divine energy passes through me and everyone else within the range of my territory as Terra's statue lights up momentarily before fading back to normal, but I got what Mother wanted to say to me as I look down at the elves who were all kneeling and praying.

"Fine I'll let the wood elves into my home, but only if the queen herself is present, so says Mother and that's the only way I'll let you in my home, so go back and tell her of what you saw and heard here today before you come back to my tribe." I say with a determined look in my eyes as I knew what she said and what she would say to Queen Sonia through her statue of Mother Terra so she will know everything that transpired in complete detail.

They also felt the energy released from the statue of Terra so they knew that she spoke to me directly and thus all they could do is nod before they said their farewells before they all proceeded to head back towards their home to tell their mother of the news.

"Fuuuu…. Man that was exhausting, well let's get breakfast ready, and in a few hours we will all begin to do our things." I say to everyone as we get off from the ramparts and get ready for breakfast.

But I still don't feel at ease, my worries about the Wood Elves have diminished a bit, but I still feel like trouble is coming my way soon enough.

Somethings coming, and I don't think it will be more reasonable than the Wood Elves we're today…. I can smell the stench of wet fur and it's not from me….